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TAP IN: The Power of Breath in Performance

Writer's picture: Team TAPTeam TAP

At TAP Strength, we initiate each Performance Coaching and Performance Therapy session by asking our clients to TAP IN. What does this mean? Simply put, TAP IN is the process of evaluating your internal state - identifying your emotions, mood, and physical sensations. The simplest way to TAP IN is to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. By concentrating on your breath and calming your thoughts, you're more likely to detect how your body is feeling. Are you anxious, peaceful, angry, or scared? If so, where do you feel it? By taking a moment to connect with our internal state, we are better prepared to move our bodies in a safe and productive way.

In addition to allowing us to TAP IN, breathing also plays a critical role in achieving our fitness goals. Of course, breathing is something we do unconsciously every day, but when we intentionally synchronize our breath with our exercises, magic happens.

The benefits of breathing during your workout include:

1. Oxygenate and Energize:

Taking intentional, deep breaths during your workouts helps oxygenate your muscles and organs, infusing them with much-needed energy. When you synchronize your breath with movement, you enhance your body's ability to perform at its best. Imagine fueling each rep, each step, and each stretch with the invigorating power of oxygen, allowing you to push through barriers and achieve new heights.

2. Enhance Mind-Body Connection:

Connecting your breath to movement cultivates a deeper mind-body connection. As you become more aware of your breath during exercise, you naturally become more present in the moment. This heightened awareness allows you to focus on the sensations within your body, promoting better form, control, and coordination. The result? A harmonious integration of body and mind, unlocking your full potential.

3. Manage Intensity and Effort:

Breath control can be a game-changer when it comes to managing the intensity and effort level of your workouts. By consciously adjusting your breath, you can modulate the pace and control the exertion of each movement. During challenging exercises, exhaling during the exertion phase (such as lifting weights or pushing up) can help you generate more power and stability. On the other hand, inhaling during the relaxation phase allows you to recover and prepare for the next repetition.

4. Boost Focus and Concentration:

Have you ever experienced a "runner's high" or a state of flow during a workout? The connection between breath and movement can help you tap into that focused and meditative state. By directing your attention to your breath, you quiet the noise in your mind and immerse yourself fully in the present moment. This increased focus not only enhances the effectiveness of your workouts but also offers a temporary escape from the stress and distractions of everyday life.

5. Calm the Nervous System:

In today's fast-paced world, finding moments of calm can be a challenge. However, when you synchronize your breath with movement, you activate your parasympathetic nervous system—the rest-and-digest response. This promotes relaxation, reduces stress levels, and restores balance in your body. As a result, you'll experience a sense of calmness and tranquility during and after your workouts, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

6. Cultivate Mindful Movement:

Fitness training is not just about getting physically fit; it's also an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. By connecting your breath to movement, you turn your workouts into a mindful practice. Embrace the sensations, emotions, and thoughts that arise during your exercises. Notice how your breath changes with each movement and how it can serve as an anchor to the present moment. This mindful approach to fitness creates a deeper sense of fulfillment and connection within yourself.

Contact us at to TAP IN and learn more.

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